Savings Tips

9 Ways to Have a Fun and Cheap Family Vacation

Words by Abbie Dyer on Jul 18, 2024 2:10:54 PM

With the weather finally inviting us outside, it's time to start planning some fun summer trips. For those of you who crave adventure, the idea of camping out on the couch for a "stay-cation" just isn't going to cut it. When you know how to travel smart, it's easy to afford a getaway.

Traveling is a great way to see the world, gain a fresh perspective, and spend time with your family too. The memories you make on your travels, whether you're going to a popular amusement park or camping in the woods, will last a lifetime. As you start planning your next trip, keep our tips in mind to save money on food, lodging, and more.

Plan Ahead

Pick a destination in advance so you can give yourself time to save up for the trip. Decide on a few things you want to do while you're there so you have an idea of how much you'll need to save. If you're flying, the best time to buy plane tickets is usually about 8 weeks in advance to get the best price. For shorter trips, look into bus and train tickets. Sometimes this is cheaper than driving. 

Explore the Great Outdoors

Break out your bike or hiking shoes and find a nearby trail or park to explore. Our beautiful Michigan state parks are a great place to do this. You can usually do this for free or a small fee, plus you'll get a great workout. If you want to have some fun in the water, try renting a kayak or canoe for a few hours to explore area lakes or rivers. Pack a few snacks and make a day of it.

Go Where the Locals Go

The people around you are the best tour guides. Ask residents for restaurant recommendations or ideas for things to do. Local people will know the best places to get good food and a good deal. And they may suggest somewhere amazing to go that wasn't even on your itinerary. All it takes is a little courage to ask. 

Buy Food Before You Go

In many tourist towns, you'll find the price of food hiked up at restaurants and local grocery stores. Before leaving on a road trip, go grocery shopping and pick out your favorite snacks. Buy a case of water, get food to make sandwiches, and pick up some breakfast essentials to save money on dining costs. If you're going to the zoo, an amusement park, or other large attraction, check to see if you can bring your own cooler or backpack to avoid buying food during the day. And if you're flying somewhere, remember to pack an empty water bottle. After going through security, you can fill it up at a water bottle filling station or water fountain to save money on overpriced bottled water at the airport.

Check the Local Bed & Breakfast

Hotels are expensive and they don't get any cheaper during the summer. See what other lodging options are available near your destination. If you're craving some time away from the crowds or want to enjoy nature, find a place to camp or rent a cottage. If you stay at a local bed and breakfast, you'll usually get a free meal with your stay too. 

Ask for Discounts

If you're going to a big tourist attraction, chances are there's a hidden price reduction somewhere. See, or ask, if there are discounts for families, children under a certain age, group rates, or any discounts for credit union members. And try to plan ahead when possible. Sometimes you can get a discount on tickets to popular attractions if you buy them online ahead of time. 

Pay With a Universal Gift Card

Avoid the temptation of overspending and buy a Visa® gift card before you go on your trip. This way you'll stay on budget and you won't have to carry around large amounts of cash. When the balance on the card is low, you'll know it's time to head home. For added security, add your card to your digital wallet on your phone, watch, or tablet.

Forget the Holiday Weekends

When everyone has a long weekend, they tend to have the same idea: Get out of town. Food, transportation, and lodging costs all soar during holiday weekends, especially if you're traveling to a popular destination. Enjoy the long weekend at home and plan a cookout with friends and family. As an added bonus, you'll avoid tons of traffic.

Use Your Connections

Talk to your friends and family and see if they, or anyone they know, has a vacation home. It never hurts to ask if you can use their place for a weekend. Even if they charge you a fee, it'll still be cheaper than a hotel and you'll get to enjoy all the comforts of home.

Pack Your Bags

It's possible to explore the world when you can get creative with your budget and travel plans. Enjoy seeing the world and making new memories with your family this this summer. And if you've already taken a trip this summer, check out how an Aspire Savings account can help you to start saving for your next big adventure. 




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