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Lake Trust Employees / Lake Trust News

How Our Members Helped Us Create A New Lending Application

Abbie Dyer - Jan 14, 2021 11:48:29 AM

What if getting an auto loan was as easy as picking out a new car? Applying for a loan can quickly take the excitement out of searching for a new vehicle. But it shouldn’t. To help you get on the...

Foundation / Community Events / Giving Back / Lake Trust News

How Meals For Michigan Demonstrates The Power Of Giving Back

Abbie Dyer - Nov 12, 2020 4:44:47 PM

Our Meals For Michigan program ended on December 31, 2021 and this article was recently updated. Thanks to overwhelming support in the community, we raised enough funds to provide 304,770 meals for...

Foundation / Lake Trust Employees / Giving Back / Lake Trust News

Focus On Wellness During Our Third Annual Team Volunteer Day

Abbie Dyer - Oct 29, 2020 10:40:07 AM

It’s hard to believe that our third annual team volunteer day has already come and gone. The second Monday in October is a special day for us. Though we’re closed for the federal holiday, we take the...

Foundation / Giving Back / Scholarships / Lake Trust News

5 Full-Tuition Michigan Impact Scholarships Awarded To Cleary University Students

Abbie Dyer - Sep 14, 2020 9:15:00 AM

As a Michigan-based organization, we challenge ourselves to look for opportunities to support growth in our state. We do this by helping small businesses, donating to local nonprofits, and giving...

Foundation / Giving Back / Scholarships / Lake Trust News

6 Students Awarded $5,000 New Beginnings Scholarships

Abbie Dyer - Sep 14, 2020 9:00:00 AM

Skilled trade careers are in high demand in Michigan but the cost of starting a specialized profession can be expensive. Scholarships are hard to find for these in-demand career programs. In addition...

Community Events / Giving Back / Small Business / Lake Trust News

More Than $172,000 Given Back To Small Business During The Great Lakes Giveback

Abbie Dyer - Aug 26, 2020 9:12:34 AM

It’s safe to say that 2020 has been an interesting year. The changes in how we work and the unforeseen expenses brought on by the pandemic have negatively impacted many businesses in our state. While...

Community Events / Giving Back / Small Business / Lake Trust News

Supporting Local Businesses During The Great Lakes Giveback

Abbie Dyer - Jun 25, 2020 9:25:54 AM

The past few months have been, well, a whirlwind for all of us. The global coronavirus pandemic drastically changed the way we live, work, shop, and even communicate. While local and state economies...

Online Banking / Financial Safety

5 Common Scams That Play Off Of Your Common Sense

Abbie Dyer - May 3, 2020 12:33:00 PM

Even as we suddenly find ourselves living in a world of uncertainty, there's still so much to be thankful for. We may even be in a position to give back to the causes we care about through donations...

Savings Tips / Financial Life Planning / Budgeting

How To Create (And Keep) A Budget

Abbie Dyer - Apr 15, 2020 10:15:31 AM

Making a monthly budget is an important step if you want to take control of your finances. Some people feel that budgeting is synonymous with Friday nights at home scrolling through Instagram and...

Foundation / Giving Back / Moved By Good / Lake Trust News

Over 1,500 Hours Donated During Moved By Good Day 2019

Abbie Dyer - Oct 22, 2019 10:11:26 AM

The alarm clock blares on another Monday morning. You roll out of bed and grab a teal t-shirt with a bright neon yellow arrow on it. It’s not your typical work outfit, but this isn’t a typical...

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